Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Bertrand Clan

Introducing My Bertrand Clan

As my first blog post, I thought it would be nice to make a quick intro to my littles. So here we go!

My first born
Analytical, Sweet, Artistic
Age: Almost 5 😭
Sign: Virgo
Loves: Drawing, Doing puzzles, Unicorns/Ponies, Playing in the water
Dislikes: When people don't listen, Walking to school
The middle child
Goofy, Charismatic, Wrecking Ball
Age: 3
Sign: Sagittarius
Loves: Eating, Playing make-believe, Dancing, Music
Dislikes: Vegetables, Being told what to do

The youngest (for now)
Happy, Cuddly, Friendly
Age: 9 months
Sign: Sagittarius
Loves: "Playing" with her sisters, Eating plants/anything she can grab, Cuddles, Boob milk
Dislikes: People taking objects out of her mouth, solid food

And there you have it.
Can you tell I just learned how to make gifs on photoshop? Pretty stoked.
xo, Maman

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